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  • -Center for Development

    -Poznan University of Life Sciences

    -University of West Hungary Sopron

    -Mendel University in Brno

    -Technical University in Zvolen
    Center for Development

    Activities of the CENTRE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT are related to the following fields:
    The Centre co-operates with Ministry of Economy and other organizations in preparation of strategic,
    conceptual and development plans of the wood processing industry. The Centre prepares the study
    “Conceptual trend actualization of technology policy of wood processing and pulp and paper
    industry”, which is innovated every third year. In the framework of this study the innovative
    development is evaluated, targets for a three-year time period and for 5-10 year perspectives are
    specified. World trends in research and development of wood processing industry are analyzed. The
    innovative development of this industry sector in Slovakia is evaluated based on economic assets
    resulting from research projects. In the framework of co-operation with state supervisory bodies
    lectures are presented, documentation and experts opinions are prepared.
    The Centre actively participates in fulfillment of the action program “Wood – the raw
    material of 21st century” approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in 1999. The objective
    of this programme is to increase the volume of wood processing to final products up to 1 million m3
    until 2005, to mediate to the public up-to-date information about the status of forestry and wood
    processing industry, about broad application of wood in other areas of national economy, as well as
    to provide information on creation of new jobs, preferably in regions in Slovakia with high
    unemployment. The “Program of supporting the development of processing and utilization of wood
    raw material” is one of progressive steps leading to the program fulfillment of the action programme.
    The Centre participates on preparation of a new pulp and paper mill in Slovakia.
    The Centre updates the aims of research and development programs in the framework of
    technology policy of wood processing industry. The Centre is a technical sponsor of the research
    program “Intensification of the inland and renewable (secondary) raw materials utilization”. The
    program’s objective is enhancing the competitiveness and ensuring of innovative development in
    wood processing, furniture, pulp and paper industry. By this increased volume of processing a 4 to 8
    times higher appreciation of wood raw material can be achieved. Sufficient resources of wood raw
    material in the Slovak Republic are a prerequisite for using new progressive technologies in the
    existing and new factories. Research in the field of wood processing is demanding on technical
    equipment, therefore a co-operation with EU Institutions is desirable. The co-operation is ensured by
    joint international projects.
    The Centre co-ordinates the co-operation in the phase of project proposals preparation, in
    solving and implementation of results in the framework of state sponsored programs, Government
    orders, projects supported by Science and Technology Supporting Agency, another tasks of research
    and development, international projects of Fifth and Sixth (EC) Framework Programs and projects
    based on bilateral agreements.
    The Centre organizes and co-operates in the preparation of conferences and symposiums
    focused on development of wood processing, furniture, pulp and paper industry. The representatives
    of the Centre actively attend domestic and foreign events, they appear in electronic mass media and
    inform about the Centre’s activity in newspapers and specialized journals.
    The Centre participates in the development of technical standards and their harmonization
    with EU through the TSK (Technical Standardization Commission no.16 and 19), in which actively
    work representatives of organizations associated in Centre.
    The Centre participates in co-operation with LIGNOTESTING in activities connected with the
    development of metrology. A comprehensive study on metrology and its guaranties in the Slovak
    Republic was elaborated under the name of “Metrology”. It is a working support for implementation
    of metrology in wood processing, furniture and pulp and paper industry enterprises.
    At present, co-operation is prepared between universities and other state organizations in
    terms of the new Universities Act as well as of the Slovak Academy of Science Act.